Caldecott’s medal winners and honor books from 1938 until present.
Corretta Scott King
Corretta Scott King book awards that are given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values.
Kid Reads
Kid Reads, a site where you may search for a lot good reads for children.
Newbery medal and honor books from 1922 to present.
Association for Library Service to Children (Division of American Library Association); their current and past lists for notable children’s books..
Oklahoma’s State yearly book awards: With this award, Oklahoma honors the Native American leader Sequoyah, for his unique achievement in creating the Cherokee syllabify. Sequoyah chose eighty-five symbols to represent all spoken sound of the Cherokee language, in so doing, he created a way to preserve his people’s language and culture.
Database of Award Winning Books
The purpose of this database is to create a tailored reading list of quality children’s literature or to find out if a book has won one the indexed awards. Compiled and indexed by Lisa Bartle, a librarian.