The Encyclopedia Britannica online.
Internet codes for the different countries. Research website that are in the different countries of the world.
Diigo is a site that will save website addresses for your projects/reports. This site requires you to register so that you may use it on any compatable device you may be using.
EBSCO is a website with multiple search engines for magazines, newspapers, journals, etc. EBSCO should cover all your research resource needs.
Words and symbols for searching on Google.
You Tube Video about how a Google search works.
Keyword synonym search site.
Reference resource website. Also has a dictionary, thesaurus, and a foreign language translator.
Keyword synonym search website.
A visual knowledge map website.
Provides the most current ownership record for a domain name (Website).
First issued in 1921 as the official journal of the OHS, The Chronicles of Oklahoma is mailed to members and subscribers quarterly. Each issue contains scholarly articles, book reviews, meeting minutes, and notes and documents.
Information about evaluating websites.
A gateway website designed specifically for student research.
Wayback Machine is a service that allows people to visit archived versions of Web sites. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can type in a URL, select a date range, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web. Imagine surfing circa 1999 and looking at all the Y2K hype, or revisiting an older version of your favorite Web site. The Internet Archive Wayback Machine can make all of this possible.